Connotations Work



This shows strength as we positioned the camera low down, this gives the effect of the subject appearing larger, and more powerful. The subject is also in the middle of the frame, suggesting importance. This is also a medium shot as well, so we can see more of the subject's body which gives the impression that the subject is bigger than us.


This picture shows poverty as the camera is positioned high up, therefore giving us the impression that the subject is much smaller, and weaker, than us. The use of mis-en-scene also shows poverty as we can see discarded items such as pieces of wood and cans, commonly associated with poverty. The subject is also in the corner, suggesting imprisonment or weakness.


This shows purity as the human eye is often seen as the most pure, and natural part of the human body. This is due to poets and artists claiming that the eye is the "gateway to the soul", which is why we chose to take a picture of an eye to connote purity. An extreme close up is used, which means that the eye is the only thing in the frame, and isn't obstructed or obscured by anything else.

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